Clochette -- My first cat portrait

After switching to paintbrushes for my Mimosa, over markers for my previous botanical sketches, I felt confident and wanted to try something quite different. I was looking at the cute face of my Giraffe, and my beautiful cat muses sitting by my desk, and inspiration struck!

I really wanted to draw some long, fluffly fur, so it was going to be Clochette.

I looked for a good picture in my collection. It had to be a pose that’s doable as a painting, and also flattering for my queen Clochette. Here’s the pic I picked


And here is my version


It was really fun to do, even though I went through very different stages of optimism. The sketch looked little like Clochette, but when I started adding colors, she “came to life”. However, I think at some point I started adding too many strokes and details, and the end result is a bit more textured that I would have wished. Finally, I misrepresented the distance between Clochette’s eyes, and this changed her face alot. Drawing or painting a dear pet is as hard as a person, the slightest detail and it’s just not it.

Nevertheless, I’m really proud of the result <3 and I hope you like it, too.

If you want to share your enthusiasm about this, you can spread the word on twitter.
If you want to stay up to date with my projects, if you have comments or want to get in touch, make me feel special at @torobotaki!