Finishing a PhD

Warning “work” in progress. Last update: 09 jul 2015



Materials and Methods


Rescuetime is “A personal analytics service that shows you how you spend your time and provides tools to help you be more productive.” [2].


Beeminder is “reminders with a sting! Or, goal-tracking with teeth. Mind anything you can graph — weight, pushups, to-do tasks completed — by replying with data when Beeminder prompts you. Or connect with a service (like Fitbit or RescueTime) to report automatically. We plot your progress on a Yellow Brick Road to your goal. Keep all your datapoints on the road and Beeminder will always be free. Go off the road and you (literally) pay the price.” [3].


So here’s the only thing that is my working (literally) in this post: Drawing

This is the curve of my efforts for the last 8 months. You can see I generally obviously only did the bare minimum (or less) with some short-lived bursts of motivation. I’m hoping when I look back at this graph, there will be a last (impressive!) burst of this type around the month of July.

Conclusion and future work

I have come to the conclusion that in the future, I will not be doing another phd.

Also, that this (post? PhD?) necessitates more effort that I am willing to put. But I had great intentions and good ideas (Yes, I know this can work with both post and PhD).


  1. Shit Academics Say
  2. Rescuetime
  3. Beeminder

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