Almond trees and cute birds -- The original first PBN

After having finished my real first PNB piece, I moved on to the painting that had originally caught my eye and gave me the idea to try all that.

This kit was actually of pretty good quality. The vectorization was done with care, and the paints were of good quality. I actually tried out blending a little bit the background, but it’s hard if you don’t do it like artists normally do, that is to say as a background to the whole image, before starting the details.

Here it is when I started


and here’s how it all ended. Please note there are some artefact lines visible at higher resolutions due to digital “straightening” of the perspective afterwards.


The whole thing took me maybe 2-3 days and I was REALLY happy and relaxed.

If you want to share your enthusiasm about this, you can spread the word on twitter.
If you want to stay up to date with my projects, if you have comments or want to get in touch, make me feel special at @torobotaki!