my face


I’m Dialekti and this is my personal website.

I am an entrepreneur (1), an artist(2), an innovation specialist, a (sustainable) design expert, an ex- senior engineering manager, a PhD holder, but also a philosopher, a mother, a collector of experiences and knowledge of debatable usefulness, a traveller, a foodie, a passionate music lover, a standup comedy geek and many other things.

I care about

Subject matters that are important to me include feminism, inclusivity, ecoresponsibility and sustainability. I am a strong believer in diversity in society and at the worklplace.

I believe mentoring can make a significant difference. I volunteer as a mentor (marraine) with Proxite, but also more casually. If you’re out there looking for someone to talk to regarding your career or your studies, don’t hestitate to send me a message.

Did you know .. ?

Fun useless fact about me: I have a Erdős–Bacon number of just 6, with a value of 3 for each of my Erdős number and Bacon number1.

I live in Paris since 2009 and I love it, but I grew up in Athens.

Paris and Athens

1. In reality, I’m not sure I’m credited as an extra. But the Erdős part is solid ;)