Mimosa -- Back to using paintbrushes

I had fun doing botanical sketches, and some more, but acrylic markers felt a bit limited. I had recently started following a dozen artists and tags on instagram that did botanical art, and I was feeling inspired to try out some paintbrushes.

I went through my “saved” posts, and found this “making of” a mimosa branch


And I decided to try it out


It was “okey” I thought, but it made me want to do something of my own. So I looked up images of mimosa trees and branches, and I created my first original painting!


I am very proud of the result <3 and I hope you like it, too.

If you want to share your enthusiasm about this, you can spread the word on twitter.
If you want to stay up to date with my projects, if you have comments or want to get in touch, make me feel special at @torobotaki!